studio city business improvement district

The Studio City Business District is a 501c6 non profit organization 
funded by studio city property owners.   
We were founded in 1999 and 
have invested over $6,000,000 in studio city improvements.  

Our district covers over 1.5 miles of 
the best shopping, dining and Entertainment
in the San Fernando Valley.  

Our boundaries are on Ventura Blvd from 
Coldwater to Carpenter, 
Ventura Place as well as portions of 
Laurel Canyon near Ventura Blvd. 
Come visit us!

Read about the Value of BIDS.

Radford Studio Center, 4024 Radford Avenue, Studio City

This Agenda is also posted at 12198 Ventura Blvd 72 hours before meeting.
Board meetings are being held At The Location on the Monthly Agenda.
Board Meetings are the second Monday of Each Month at 5:00 PM.

Meetings are subject to change.  Please confirm details with office.

what we do

special projects

we are working hard to improve studio city

making sidewalks safer

The studio City BID, Councilmember Paul Krekorian's office and the Bureau of Street Services have built a private-Public partnership to improve the safety of studio City Sidewalks within the BID.  Many sidewalks are being fixed and the project was completed in late 2019.

greening our district new gardens

The SCBD partnered with the Studio City Beautification committee and Councilmember Paul Krekorian's office and Harvard Westlake to green studio City with a new  new hillside garden on Ventura and Fairway.  This project was Completed in mid-2021.

Utility Box Program

The Ten Utility Boxes in the Studio City Business District will be Painted By Local Artists. This Project was Sponsored by District 2, Councilmember Paul Krekorian.

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